Travel Funnies: You have missed your plane when it’s pushing back from the gate!

Recently, I reported that it’s a pretty good sign that you have missed your plane when the door is closed. In this day and age, unless you own the airline, you probably won’t get on board and should resign yourself that your flight is gone! A lady in Kuala Lumpur disagreed and tried to open the door herself – and was stopped by security. A couple in Malta had to top it – they thought they could catch their plane after it had pushed back from the gate!

An Italian couple, on their way home from a vacation on the island of Malta, was delayed on their way to the airport and when they arrived at the gate, the doors of their Ryanair flight were closed. When they were not allowed to board, they didn’t take no for an answer and tried to “catch” their plane quite literally: They ran to another gate, opened an emergency exit, ran onto the tarmac and tried to stop the plane from taxiing, forcing them to take them onboard. Needless to say, that didn’t work out so well and the couple was arrested. The couple was arrested, convicted, spent some time in a cell and had to pay a fine of $2,600. You can read the full story from the local paper here!
So, even if you are eager to catch your plane, opening plane doors yourself or charging onto the tarmac are not good options. I’m pretty sure that a flight from Malta to Italy is less than $2,600 and spending time in prison doesn’t make for a good vacation! Travel safely…

2 thoughts on “Travel Funnies: You have missed your plane when it’s pushing back from the gate!”

  1. rudolf Kaufmann

    Hallo Rupert,”Travel Funnies” ist das netteste Foto in Deiner grossen Samlung. Weisst Du, worueber die drei sich so unheimlich amuesieren?
    Viele liebe Gruesse von M. + P:

    1. Prima, dass es euch gefaellt. Leider weiss ich nicht, worueber sie sich amuesieren – vielleicht die Touristen, die sie photographieren?

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